[Racing Show]

[Taxi Drive Assetto Corse]

[Abarth Bang 1]

[Abarth Driving Academy]

[Taxi Drive Rally]

[Kit Esseesse Workshop]

[Test Drive]

[Abarth fans on the track]

[Abarth Bang 2]

[End of 1st day]

Si è conclusa la prima giornata degli Abarth Race Days Summer Edition a Varano de' Melegari. Vi aspettiamo carichi per domani! Seguiteci anche su Twitter http://twitter.com/teamabarth L'hashtag ufficiale è #abarthracedays
The first day of Abarth Race Days Summer Edition has ended. We will wait for you excited as ever! Follow us also on Twitter for the fastest updates - http://twitter.com/teamabarth with the official hashtag #abarthracedays
Abarth Race Days Summer Edition @ 1st day
©ABARTH & C. S.p.A.
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